[CMake] installing dependents

Clinton Stimpson clinton at elemtech.com
Fri Jul 17 15:05:43 EDT 2009

So I'm using GetPrequisites.cmake to gather dependencies.
Are there any examples, tips, etc.. for using this?

With the results I'm getting back, I do a
file(INSTALL ... ) because that's what I see in the cmake_installcmake 
file.  Should it be documented?
But these files I'm getting back are soft links to the real library.  
And the file(INSTALL ... ) just puts a softlink in my installation 
directory instead of a real library.

Is there some higher level cmake function I should be calling to install 
libraries on Unix/Linux, similar to how there is BundleUtilties.cmake 
for Mac?  Or ideally, is there one function I can use on all platforms 
to install some prerequisites?


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