[CMake] Need help with GLOB expression

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Sun Mar 29 23:02:20 EDT 2009

Philip Lowman wrote:

>         I'll put in the feature request for {} and at some point in the
>         future it can be addressed.
>     Can someone point me to a definition of what glob is supposed to
>     have in it?  It seems to vary from php glob, perl glob, various
>     different shell globs, etc.  I can not seem to find a definitive
>     answer as to what a glob function is supposed to do, other than it
>     is something shy of a regular expression.  The CMake one seems to do
>     about the same as a bash shell as far as I can tell.
> Here is bash's glob support
> http://www.faqs.org/docs/abs/HTML/globbingref.html
> MS-Dos and Windows are limited to '*' and '?'
> Not sure about everyone else.  If CMake can support all of what Bash 
> supports that probably would be above and beyond the call of duty.

So, I see no mention of {} in bash?


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