[CMake] CMake 2.6.4 available for download

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Fri May 1 16:17:57 EDT 2009

On behalf of myself, Ken, Brad, Dave, Alex and the rest of the
CMake team, we are pleased to announce that CMake 2.6.4 is
available for download at:


The documentation for 2.6.4 can be found here:


If you have any problems or find any bugs, please report them at

A full list of changes for the 2.6 release tree can be found here:


Some notable changes are:

- Fix broken OSXX11 CPack generator
- Fix #8843 ctest system information was not always correct on linux
- Fix transitive linking of imported libraries
- Fix CDash only submit with ctest_submit
- Fix scope issue with CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE  and macros
- Fix crash in include_directories #8704
- Do not warn if LIBPATH is not set for nmake
- No longer mark header files as HEADER_FILE_ONLY automatically,
   this gets rid of the ugly red marks in Visual Stuido
- Enforce unique binary directories
- Clarify docs of old *_OUTPUT_PATH vars
- Fix svn update logic for modified files
- Add get_filename_component(... REALPATH)

Thanks, Bill

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