[CMake] OS X, SDL, Frameworks and Libraries

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Fri Mar 5 09:45:08 EST 2010

This is actually ironic. The SDL.framework is actually ready to be  
used in a bundle in its default state which seems to be the exception  
to the rule. Typically the install_path embedded in the dylib or  
framework is either just the name of the library OR the complete path  
to the library/framework. So basically there needs to be an additional  
check in the BundleUtilities.cmake file to look for an install_path  
that begins with @executable_path or @loader_path and basically ignore  
the next few steps where the install_path is fixed up and copied into  
the bundle location. So look in the BundleUtilities.cmake file and see  
if you can patch it up.

Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net
Principal Software Engineer       mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
BlueQuartz Software               Dayton, Ohio

On Mar 5, 2010, at 8:39 AM, Francisco Requena wrote:

> As on my previous my post, I got a bundle with SDL.framework embeeded.
> On OS X, you can either use .framework and .dylib binaries. So, I  
> got to use the BundleUtilities macro.
> If CMake doesn't find the .framework, all works ok: I get 3  
> libraries (libSDL..) on Content/MacOS folder.
> If CMake finds the .framework, it just doesn't know (or it seems)  
> how to handle it. What can I do?
> Here's the CMakeLists.txt:
> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
> project(openvolt)
> set(APP_NAME OpenVolt)
> include(FindSDL)
> include(FindOpenGL)
> include_directories(${SDL_INCLUDE_DIR})
> add_executable(${APP_NAME} MACOSX_BUNDLE main.cpp)
> target_link_libraries(${APP_NAME} ${SDL_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES})
> string(REPLACE "-framework Cocoa" "" DIRS ${SDL_LIBRARY})
> install(CODE "
>   include(BundleUtilities)
>   fixup_bundle(\"${openvolt_BINARY_DIR}/${APP_NAME}.app\" \"\" \"$ 
> {DIRS}\")
> " COMPONENT Runtime)
> And here's the output when I do 'make install':
> [100%] Built target OpenVolt
> Install the project...
> -- Install configuration: ""
> -- fixup_bundle
> --   app='/Users/frarees/openvolt/build/OpenVolt.app'
> --   libs=''
> --   dirs='/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework'
> -- fixup_bundle: preparing...
> -- warning: embedded item does not exist '/Users/frarees/openvolt/ 
> build/OpenVolt.app/Contents/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/1.3/SDL'
> -- 
> warning: cannot resolve item '@executable_path/../Frameworks/ 
> SDL.framework/Versions/1.3/SDL'
>   possible problems:
>     need more directories?
>     need to use InstallRequiredSystemLibraries?
>     run in install tree instead of build tree?
> -- warning: embedded item does not exist '/Users/frarees/openvolt/ 
> build/OpenVolt.app/Contents/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/1.3/SDL'
> -- 
> warning: cannot resolve item '@executable_path/../Frameworks/ 
> SDL.framework/Versions/1.3/SDL'
>   possible problems:
>     need more directories?
>     need to use InstallRequiredSystemLibraries?
>     run in install tree instead of build tree?
> -- fixup_bundle: copying...
> -- 1/4: *NOT* copying '/Users/frarees/openvolt/build/OpenVolt.app/ 
> Contents/MacOS/OpenVolt'
> -- 2/4: copying '@executable_path/../Frameworks/SDL.framework/ 
> Versions/1.3/SDL'
> -- fixup_bundle: fixing...
> -- 3/4: fixing up '/Users/frarees/openvolt/build/OpenVolt.app/ 
> Contents/MacOS/OpenVolt'
> -- 4/4: fixing up '/Users/frarees/openvolt/build/OpenVolt.app/ 
> Contents/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/1.3/SDL'
> -- fixup_bundle: cleaning up...
> -- fixup_bundle: verifying...
> --  
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> = 
> ======================================================================
> -- Analyzing app='/Users/frarees/openvolt/build/OpenVolt.app'
> -- bundle='/Users/frarees/openvolt/build/OpenVolt.app'
> -- executable='/Users/frarees/openvolt/build/OpenVolt.app/Contents/ 
> MacOS/OpenVolt'
> -- valid='1'
> -- executable file 1: /Users/frarees/openvolt/build/OpenVolt.app/ 
> Contents/MacOS/OpenVolt
> -- warning: embedded item does not exist '/Users/frarees/openvolt/ 
> build/OpenVolt.app/Contents/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/1.3/SDL'
> -- 
> warning: cannot resolve item '@executable_path/../Frameworks/ 
> SDL.framework/Versions/1.3/SDL'
>   possible problems:
>     need more directories?
>     need to use InstallRequiredSystemLibraries?
>     run in install tree instead of build tree?
> -- verified='1'
> -- info='Verified 1 executable files in '/Users/frarees/openvolt/ 
> build/OpenVolt.app''
> -- 
> -- verified='1'
> -- info=''
> -- 
> -- fixup_bundle: done
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